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The majority of look for a committed location to buy clenbuterol steroids in pakistan associated with different website sale of a clenbuterol steroids products. On some of the websites, it is shown that they sell the steroids steroids clenbuterol steroids in pakistan as well. The most popular website selling clenbuterol steroids pakistan where you can buy clenbuterol and steroid as well is "cannabis.ch" and it is reported that "cannabis.ch" has around 12000 satisfied customers. Chronology: January 2015- January 2016: A post in a drug talk forum on a forum on Cannabis.ch is published on the topic of drugs and drug user reactions that, "Chronology: A case study on chronic drug abuse of a cannabis user in Pakistan" (p. 2) in which it is stated that, "I never used cannabis. Since my 18 years old days, I never had a single bad experience from it. So, I never became addicted to drugs nor am I addicted to all drugs." (p.2). This case study was published in response to other cases of chronic drug abuse of a cannabis user. May 2016: The case study is published after the publication of a review in the journal, "Psychiatric Intrigue" wherein it is stated that, "Patients with severe substance abuse (cannabis, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, opiates) are a common finding in psychiatry, and there exist cases where patients become addicted to these substances." June 2016: On this particular day, the article is published in "Archives of Sexual Behavior" wherein it is stated, "After 2 years of intermittent cannabis use I started experimenting with cocaine and found that by the time I had consumed enough of it that its effects subsided I was a very heavy cocaine user … As a result, I began to go through my 'cycle" of cocaine usage in an effort to maintain my low levels of tolerance for the drug." The article then states, "During that period I took to a regular cocaine dose of 2–4 grams of cocaine per week until my tolerance had been met." (p. 10). The conclusion on this case study is that, "If cocaine use can lead to such an extreme tolerance, then its use would probably have been a factor that triggered abuse of cocaine and ultimately a cocaine addiction" (p. 10). As reported by Dr Muralidhar, this case study is a very important step toward research regarding chronic marijuana use in Pakistan. Similar articles: